Chief Executive Officer MTSFB Normarinee Mohd Nor memberikan apresiasi kepada Telkomsel. “We are gratefull and honored to be here, all the warm welcome by Telkomsel. Today is very insightfull, we learned a lot of inisiative that Telkomsel did, that is alligned to Indonesian digital masterplan. There are a lot of of things that we can shared in term of experience and learning. It can be further discussed, all the inisaitive, all the lesson learned. We know we can collaborate further, and we are inviting Telkomsel to come over to Malaysia,” ungkap Normarinee.
Di akhir sesi, delegasi MTSFB menyaksikan demo sejumlah perangkat yang dioperasikan dengan teknologi 5G Telkomsel di antaranya Welcoming Robot, Face Recognition, Smart Surveillance, Smart Mining, Smart Manufacture, Proteksi SiKecil, dan Age Teller.
Kunjungan ini berjalan sukses dan produktif. Delegasi MTSFB begitu antusias menyimak pemaparan dari kami dan memberikan apresiasi tinggi atas presentasi dan sharing pengalaman yang diberikan oleh Telkomsel. Kedua belah pihak menyepakati potensi kolaborasi di masa mendatang, terutama terkait pengembangan teknologi 5G,” ujar Hermana.
Editor : Ahmad Antoni