Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja dalam Bahasa Inggris, beserta Struktur Penulisannya

Ami Heppy S/NET Semarang
Contoh Surat Lamaran Pekerjaan dalam Bahasa Inggris lengkap dengan struktur penulisannya. Ilustrasi:

Contoh surat lamaran pekerjaan dalam bahasa Inggris atau job application letter diperlukan ketika kamu hendak melamar pekerjaan di perusahaan atau lembaga asing. Namun tak jarang pula, perusahaan lokal yang meminta pelamar mengirimkan lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris.

Ya, kemampuan bahasa Inggris saat ini penting dalam dunia kerja. Untuk mengetahui kemampuan berbahasa Inggris pelamar, diantaranya dinilai dari lamaran pekerjaan.

Karena itu, beberapa contoh yang akan diulas di sini dapat menjadi referensi kamu dalam menulis job application letter. Awas, jangan sampai salah ketik atau salah penulisan ejaan, karena kesalahan kecil pun akan menjadi catatan bagi pihak perekrut.

Sebelum ke contoh, akan dibahas lebih dulu cara menulis lamaran kerja berbahasa Inggris.

1. Struktur Surat Lamaran Pekerjaan atau Job Application Letter

Inilah struktur application letter yang bisa kamu gunakan:

- Heading atau kepala surat. Di bagian ini kamu bisa menuliskan tanggal pembuatan surat, alamat perusahaan, serta informasi tentang kontak pengirim atau penulis surat.

- Opening greeting, berisi salam pembuka. Contohnya: Dear Mr John

- Introduction, paragraf pembuka yang berisi penjelasan tentang posisi yang ingin kamu lamar, serta darimana kamu mendapatkan informasi lowongan tersebut.

- Body atau isi. Pada bagian ini kamu bisa menjelaskan kualifikasi pendidikan, pengalaman, serta keterampilan yang kamu miliki terkait posisi yang hendak kamu lamar. Selain itu, kamu juga bisa menambahkan pencapaian apa saja yang pernah kamu dapatkan.

- Conclusion atau kesimpulan. Pada bagian ini kamu bisa mengatakan harapanmu pada perusahaan yang dilamar, seperti berharap agar dihubungi kembali oleh pihak perusahaan untuk lanjut ke tahap selanjutnya.

- Closing atau penutup. Dalam bagian ini, kamu perlu menuliskan ucapan terima kasih dan cantumkan nama lengkap kamu setelah salam penutup.

2. Contoh Surat Lamaran Pekerjaan atau Job Application Letter

Untuk lebih jelasnya, kamu bisa menyimak contoh application letter berikut ini.

Contoh Job Application Letter #1

Semarang, August 9th 2022

Attention To : Human Resources Department
PT. Media Jaya
Jalan Satria No. 13

Dear Sir/Madam,
I have read your advertisement at social media account and found that your company is looking for employees for an Engineer position. And I believe it fits with my educational background as Computer Engineering.

My name is Andhika, I am twenty three years old. I graduated from the Computer Engineering Department UMY in November this year. My specialization in Engineering Physics is hardware specialist.

I consider myself to be as qualified as you want. I have good motivation for progress and growth, eager to learn, and can work with a team or by myself. Beside that I have good command in English both spoken and written.

With my qualifications, I am confident that I will be able to contribute effectively to your company. Herewith I enclose my :

Copy of Bachelor Degree (S-1) Certificate
Academic Transcript
Curriculum Vitae
Recent photograph with size of 4×6

I would express my gratitude for your attention and I hope I could be the part of your company.



Contoh Job Application Letter #2

August 21, 2022

Dear Head of HRD
PT Maju Sentosa

With respect,

Based on the information I received from the jobseeker website,  PT Maju Sentosa has a job opening as Finance Staff.
In connection with that, I would like to apply for said position.

Here is my brief biography:

Name: Zainudin
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: Medan, 6 Mei 1991
Education: S1 Economy
Phone number: 083627846xxx

I can speak English both oral and verbal. I also have the skill to operate software for the office that I believe would assist in the work.
For your consideration, I have also attached multiples such as:

Curriculum Vitae
Copy of transcript
Photocopy of Diploma
Latest 3×4 photograph
ID Government copy
I hope I can get the chance to follow the next test so I can talk about my abilities and skills in person with you.

Thank you for the attention.

Best Regards,


Contoh Job Application Letter #3

Subject: Job Application for the Post of Graphic Designer

Dear Mr Ahmad Eko,

I am very interested in the position of Graphic Designer at your esteemed organization. I came across the position via your advertisement in {Portal Name}.

Currently, I am working with PT Bintang Malam, and I have been handling a wide range of high profile projects. I have been working on Adobe Creative Suite for the last 4 years. Please find below a link to my portfolio.
(Insert link)

I am confident that my skills perfectly match your requirements. I have attached my detailed profile to this email for your consideration.

Thank you for considering my application. I hope you find it suitable so that we can arrange a meeting.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,
Mawar Melati
Mob: +62xxxxxxxx
Email Id:

Nah, itulah beberapa contoh surat lamaran pekerjaan bahasa Inggris lengkap dengan cara penulisannya.

Editor : Sulhanudin Attar

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